Monitoring System Resources On Remote Machines Using PERFMON

We use to monitor the system resources using PERFMON and our machines without any issues, but I faced some different kind of issues while monitoring the remote machines using PERFMON tool from a centralized machine.

Before going into the detail of the PERFMON issues, please ensure few things on your machine where you are going to start the counter logs.
a) Check that Performance Logs and Alerts service is running
b) The service name is SysmonLog and the path to executable is "C:\window\system32\smlogsvc.exe". This service should be running in the services window.

I had 8 machines configured on the same domain and wanted to monitor these machine from a single point centralized machine. The required counters were created using "logman Create" method and to start and stop these perfmon counters I used to have a batch file. (This will monitor system resources on all the 8 machines from the centralized machine.

Now here comes the problem....!!!!

When I started the counter logs, it didn't start collecting data from these 8 machines. The reason for this is that, the user (for this centralized machine) doesn't have access to these machines so the perfmon counter logs were not getting started on these machines and hence the data is not collected.

The solution for this issue is that, after creating the counter logs on the centralized machine to monitor system resources of remote machines, perform the following actions:
1. Open Perfmon window
2. Go to properties of the counter logs (that has been created to monitor the remote machines)
3. On the System Overview properties (in XP, will be different in higher version of OS), type the User Name in the "Run As:" field and click on either "Set Password" or "Change" button (based on the OS version you are using)
4. On the Set Password window, provide the User Name, Password and Confirm Password and click on OK Button

Now, you are all set to monitor the system resources of the remote machine from a centralized machine.

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