Load Runner Tips and Tricks

1. Consult your developer if you need help to identify the protocol used by the application.

2. Some other applications, such as antivirus, VPN’s, firewall, and so on may interfere with the recorder. In case of problems, always look to see what is installed on the machine and try to disable software that looks like it is interfering with socket level data.

3. Delete (or comment out) all the “web_add_cookie” statements in the script. Some applications use explicit cookies to keep track of users. Therefore cookies statements have to be commented out otherwise old cookies are sent to the server again and it will not work.

4. Delete all the web_url (…..) statements in start of the script, which are downloading the windows updates or something like that.

5. If you are using the Multiple Protocol recorder, you can use this option of Tools →“Regenerate Vuser” to regenerate the script, if the earlier modified script is not working fine.

6. Sometimes, you will encounter cases where the Web recorder (Single and Multi) records some initial login steps but nothing else after that, even though it is still using the HTTP protocol. This can happen if the application is dependent on the cache in some way. By default, LoadRunner recording will disable the cache.

To set LoadRunner not to interfere with the cache setting, change the following in registry:

a. Go to Start → Run, and enter regedit to open the registry editor.

b. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mercury Interactive\ LoadRunner\ Protocols\ HTTP\Analyzer

c. Set AddNoCacheHeaderToHtml=0.

7. The following are limitations of the Single Protocol Web recorder. If any of the following is causing a problem, you are recommended to switch to use the Multiple Protocol web recorder to record.

Note: All the issues below can be resolved with Multiple Protocol Web recorder.

a. While recording, the Single Protocol Web recorder will redirect the client requests to a local proxy, at localhost: 7777. For such, make sure that you have the permission to change the LAN settings of the machine.

To verify:

i. Open Internet Explorer and go to Tools → Internet Options →Connections → LAN Settings.
ii. Make sure that you can modify the entries here.

b. The Single Protocol Web recorder obtains the proxy setting from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry hive. Verify the following to make sure that it is set up correctly:

i. Go to Start → Run, and enter regedit to open the registry editor.
ii. Navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettings.
iii. Verify the non-default key, ProxySettingsPerUser. If the
iv. ProxySettingsPerUser value exists and has a value data of 0 (zero), set it to

1. It is okay if you do not have that registry key. As long as ProxySettingsPerUser is not set to one, proxy settings will be obtained from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry hive.

1. To make permanent change in default settings in VuGenerator:

To keep from having to change the run-time settings every time that you create a new script, here is an easy way to save your own default settings.
1. Create a new script

2. Make the setting changes that you need to make.

3. Save the script

4. Now, copy the default.cfg file out of the directory of the script file that you just created to the Program Files\Mercury Interactive\LoadRunner\template\{dir}.

The {dir} is whatever directory that you are creating your scripts from. For example, a Web/HTML vuser directory is the \qtweb\ directory. You can also change the init.c, end.c, or action.c if you seem to always have to make changes to these files every time you create a new script.

Set up LoadRunner to run nightly

To get LoadRunner to run nightly required two things. The first was a batch file that would execute LoadRunner and then invoke the analysis and the second was how to schedule the execution on the controller.

The batch file to run LoadRunner at night and to save the results in a specific directory for that nights run is shown below:REM Batch to run nighlty performance test REM REM Thanks to Simon Shepard at http://www.ss64.com for date code REM Calculate today date FOR /f "tokens=6-8 delims=/ " %%G IN ('NET TIME \\%computername%') DO ( SET _mm=%%G SET _dd=%%H SET _yy=%%I ) REM Run LoadRunner "C:\...\bin\Wlrun.exe" -Run -TestPath "P:\Projects\...\PeakHourSmall.lrs" -ResultLocation "P:\...\Results" -ResultCleanName Night-%_dd%-%_mm%-%_yy% REM Run analysis "C:\...\bin\AnalysisUI.exe" -RESULTPATH "P:\...\Night-%_dd%-%_mm%-%_yy%\Night-%_dd%-%_mm%-%_yy%.lrr"

To get the batch file to run as a scheduled task took longer than expected due to some restriction on the PC at work. To overcome this I had to use schtask.exe to schedule the batch.schtasks.exe /create /SC daily /ST 01:50:00 /TR "P:\...\Nightly.bat" /TN RunPerfTest

The nightly LoadRunner test now runs at 1:50 in the morning and the results are waiting when I arrive in the morning.

Saving results of SQL query to a LoadRunner parameter

Here is an example of how to save the results of a query to a loadrunner parameter. In this example I want to know the prod_code for a particular user whos user name is held in the parameter pUserID. To do this you have to add a lrd_ora8_save_col statement BEFORE the fetch statement.

lrd_ora8_handle_alloc(OraEnv1, STMT, &OraStm7, 0);
lrd_ora8_stmt(OraStm7, "select indiv,prod_code,last_up_seq from product_users"
"where indiv_uid = '{pUserID}'", 1, 32, 0);
lrd_ora8_exec(OraSvc1, OraStm7, 0, 0, &uliRowsProcessed, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_bind_col(OraStm7, &OraDef9, 1, &INDIVD10, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_attr_set(OraDef9, CHARSET_FORM, "1", -1, 0);
lrd_ora8_bind_col(OraStm7, &OraDef10, 2, &PROD_CODE_D11, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_attr_set(OraDef10, CHARSET_FORM, "1", -1, 0);
lrd_ora8_bind_col(OraStm7, &OraDef11, 3, &LAST_UPE_SEQ_D12, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_save_col(OraStm7, 2, 1, 0, "prod_code");
lrd_ora8_fetch(OraStm7, -1, 15, &uliFetchedRows, PrintRow8, 2, 0, 0);

lrd_handle_free(&OraStm7, 0);

lr_message("The users product code is %s",lr_eval_string("{prod_code}"));

The second and third arguementare the column and row number with the 1,1 returns the value in the first column and the first row, The value is stored in the last arguement. Note that if no value is returned the error will be an unhelpful Parameter is not initialized.

LoadRunner Analysis Importing PerfMon Data

I have recently imported some perfmon data into LoadRunner analysis. First of all I had to use perfmon’s relog command to convert the data into a CSV file.

I then imported this using Tools -> External Monitors -> Import Data. Which leads you to the following dialogue box.

I think this is because I had selected the Time Zone as . So I reloged the data to match the start and end time of the LR results and imported again with the Time Zone set to 

Expanding LoadRunner functions

I quickly wanted to get some lr_status message outputted to the console for every LoadRunner transaction in a script, I basically wanted to insert a status message every time the lr_start_transaction was called to output the transaction name to the console. however, it was a large script and I didn’t want to make any code changes to the load runner script. So I wanted to expand the existing function. The code below was added into the vinit section.

void my_start_transaction (char *name)
lr_vuser_status_message("Starting Transaction %s",name);
return ;

#define lr_start_transaction(x) my_start_transaction(x)

return 0;

LoadRunner Function Override

Creating LoadRunner Dynamic Transaction Names

Today I wanted to use parameterized transaction names within a LoadRunner script. As I thought that a particular transaction was failing after a particular number of iterations. Luckily this was pretty simple in LoadRunner. It was just a case of using lr_eval_string in the call to the transaction wrapper.

lr_start_transaction(lr_eval_string("Do Something {pIteration}"));

lr_end_transaction(lr_eval_string("Do Something {pIteration}"), LR_AUTO);

You have to be careful above to make sure that start and end transaction names are the same. To overcome that problem I created a string variable to hold the LoadRunner transaction name.

char sTranName[20];



Recording LoadRunner Oracle Forms Object Names

This week I am perforamance testing an Oralce Forms applicaiton. When recording a loadrunner scripts for Oracle forms (NCA protocol) you will want the object / deverlopers name to appear in the scripts to aid readability.

To do this you need to ammend the URL to incude ?play=&record=names. So for the user you need to change the profile. You will need SYSADMIN privileges to do this.

So login and navigate down the tree System Administrator -> Security -> Define

Next select Profile: System

Search for the user you are using for recording and ICX: Forms Launcher

Amend the URL with ?play=&record=names”

Save and then you are good to record the object names with that use.

Excel Macro to read a LoadRunner scenario file

Doing some performance testing on site this week where there is only one LoadRunner controller. That was in use and I wanted to see the number of virtual users for each script set up in the Loadrunner scenario file (.lrs). So I wrote this Excel Macro to provide the data.

It prompts for the scenario file (.lrs) and then parses the file to list out the group, script name and the vuser count.

This is a bit of quick and dirty code and I am sure it will develop as it sees different scenarios but I thought I would share it with you.

Sub ReadALRScenario()

Dim sFileName As String
Dim iFileNum As Integer
Dim sBuf As String

' edit this to your defaul directory:
sFileName = "C:\Users\pengland\Documents\Projects\"

NewFN = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="LoadRunner Scenario, *.lrs", Title:="Please select a file")
If NewFN = False Then
' User Pressed Cancel
MsgBox "You need to select a valid file"
Exit Sub
sFileName = NewFN
End If

' does the file exist? simpleminded test:
If Len(Dir$(sFileName)) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Can't find file")
Exit Sub
End If

Row = 0

iFileNum = FreeFile()
Open sFileName For Input As iFileNum

Do While Not EOF(iFileNum)
Line Input #iFileNum, sBuf
'Now you have the next line of the file in sBuf
'Capture UiName
If InStr(sBuf, "UiName") > 0 Then
UniName = Mid(sBuf, 8, Len(sBuf) - 7)
End If

If InStr(sBuf, ".usr") > 0 Then
LastOcc = InStrRev(sBuf, "\") + 1
Length = Len(sBuf) - InStrRev(sBuf, "\") - 4
ActiveCell.Offset(Row, 0) = UniName
ActiveCell.Offset(Row, 1) = Mid(sBuf, LastOcc, Length)
ActiveCell.Offset(Row, 2) = -1

Row = Row + 1
End If

' close the file
Close iFileNum

'For Each Script count number of =script names in thr file

NumOfScripts = Row - 1
Row = 0

Do While Row 0 And (Len(sBuf) - 1) = Len(SearchString) Then
ActiveCell.Offset(Row, 2) = ActiveCell.Offset(Row, 2) + 1
End If

' close the file
Close iFileNum

Row = Row + 1

End Sub

Script to delete unwanted LoadRunner vugen files

Today it was quiet on the performance testing front so I had time to create a vbscript to delete unwanted loadrunner vugen files.

The script is run from the cscript command and will be prompted for the folder for your loadrunner vugen script. It deletes .log, .idx and .txt files and make sure you have closed vugen before you run the script.

On Error Resume Next
Const BIF_EDITBOX = &H10
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'**Browse For Folder To Be Processed
strPrompt = "Please select the folder to process."
strFolderPath = Browse4Folder(strPrompt, intOptions, strTargetPath)

Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

For Each file In fso.GetFolder(strFolderPath).Files
strExtension = Right(file.Name,4)
If strExtension = ".log" Or strExtension = ".idx" Or strExtension = ".txt" Then
Wscript.Echo file.Name
End If

Function Browse4Folder(strPrompt, intOptions, strRoot)
Dim objFolder, objFolderItem
On Error Resume Next
Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, strPrompt, intOptions, strRoot)
If (objFolder Is Nothing) Then
End If
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
Browse4Folder = objFolderItem.Path
Set objFolderItem = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
End Function

LoadRunner Unix Time Stamp with milliseconds

I have been working with the SAP WEB protocol this week and needed to generate the windowid which is unix time (time since the 1st January 1970) but including milliseconds. Found this loadrunner function that provides unix time including milliseconds.

web_save_timestamp_param("tstamp", LAST);

lr_output_message("The time is %s", lr_eval_string("{tstamp}"));

Things to correlate in a SAP Web LoadRunner Scipt

I have been doing some SAP web scripting this week and although have been using the SAP Web protocol I have noticed that we still need to do manual correlation.
These are the 3 things I need to correlate:

ClientWindowID e.g WID1339591301202

This is not specifically a parameter that needs correlation but it a value generated in client side JavaScript which is basically the Unix time including milliseconds. Lucky there is a LoadRunner function that generates this. web_save_timestamp_param("pWID",LAST);

sap-wd-secure-id e.g. 30b66c21b9fd11e1bd5f000005ee7aaa5408212193

I have noticed that this parameter does change in some scripts I have written so be careful to extract out appropriately. This is the code I used to extract out the parameter:


wi_id e.g. 000003799238

This parameter appears when a window is spawned.

Problem with LoadRunner web_text_link

I was passed a LoadRunner script developed on v11 for execution on a v11.5 installation. On execution of the script in the LoadRunner VuGen or the controller it failed on web_test_link. Tracing the error back the preceding web_test_link was not execution correctly so the web_test_link was not able to find the text of the link it should be clicking.

The failing script was aborting the download:

However, for various other reasons we had to regress the LoadRunner installation back to v11 and without any change to the script it worked… 

LoadRunner SAP Web and Certificate problem

I have been recording a SAP Web script this week, on a particular script that crosses different host names (i.e. the host in the URL changes and authentication happens undercover). As we moved to the second host in LoadRunner I was prompted in choose a certificate but the dialogue box did not display any certificates.

To overcome the problem all I need to do was use the fully qualified domain name. This is because that the authentication for the second host is processed using cookies. By not using the FQDN then the appropriate cookie could not be found. A five minute solution for a problem that took days solve

Transferring a LoadRunner license to another machine

 This is the process that I followed. Stress is optional….

1) Obtain the installation files, if you are using the latest version you can get this from the public domain HP website. If you want the preceding version you can get this if you already have a HP passport account and have existing LoadRunner purchases in the last 12 month.

2) Get the Host ID.. Dependent on the version there are different ways of getting the host ID but remember the host ID is tied to the machine and the version of LoadRunner you have installed.

3) Find out your Service Agreement ID (SAID), this is to prove to HP licensing that you have paid the maintance. HP will have provided a PDF file for your service agreements, don’t just pick the one on the top as I did otherwise they might think you want to transfer some QTP licenses. Use the one above the lines detailing the LoadRunner licenses.

4) Phone up the number on the service agreement and raise a request. They will create a service request with the licensing department. You can ask how long it will take but they don’t have a clue.

5) Wait 24 hours and phone back to say you haven’t heard anything. I am told the task has been assigned to a licensing representative. Try not to fill unwanted that the licensing representative hasn’t been in touch, it isn’t personal.

5A) Think no need to panic you left plenty of time to transfer the license.

6) Wait another 12 hours and phone your account manager, but discover they have left the company.

7) Phone his boss, leave a message and wait for him to contact you,

8) Explain to his boss the situation, he says he will find you a new account manager (hope he looks behind the sofa, that where I lose most things)

9) Boss person emails you contact details for new account manager says they will call you

10) Wait for call, wait for call, wait for call then call new account mgr. They explain they are busy because they are trying to close business for that quarter i.e busy selling new stuff rather than servicing those that have already bought. Explain situation and they say they are on the case.

11) Start to panic because it shouldn’t take this long and testing will be starting soon. You don’t want to start late you are going somewhere nice in a few weeks and want to get the testing complete before you go…

12) Get email from licensing guy saying you have given them the wrong service agreement ID (see note 3)

13) Send email in Morning with correct service agreement ID

14) Get email in afternoon from account manager asking why I haven’t sent the service ID. Check your mailbox and see that the email was sent… Strange sometime it feels someone is telling you something.

15) Resend email with correct SAID

16) Spend weekend worrying if license will arrive in time for testing

17) Mid morning get an email saying we need to establish what protocol groups we need. Got to admit I expected for a license change HP would know what we had and it would be tied to the service agreement. Luckily they can generate a tempory license If I tell them was protocol groups we need. Reply saying what protocol groups we need

18) 10 mins later you get the license key

It took a week from raising the request to a complete license. So, the moral of the story leave plenty of time for a HP LoadRunner license transfer…

Least I had my Mercury Interactive stress ball to help me through the process. The irony is that it was never this stressful dealing with MI.

Playback LoadRunner through Fiddler

If you are concerned that your LoadRunner script is not emulating user behaviour correctly and want to make sure it is download all the correct files etc, then you can connect LoadRunner to Fiddler and play the script so that fiddler captures the HTTP calls. For those that don’t know Fiddler is a debugging proxy that captures and displays the HTTP requests between a browser and the server (it does more but that is a quick summary). An example output is shown below:

You can then run VuGen or (don’t do it at load) through the controller by setting the proxy under runtime options.

Scripting for ODBC Protocol in LOADRUNNER

Developing scripts for a Client Server Application with SQL Server as Database. The protocol license the Client has license for MS SQL SERVER Protocol.

1. Installed application on Machine A. installed SQL Profiler on Machine B (DB server)

2. Started the SQL Profiler:
Program files> Microsoft SQLSERVER 2005>SQL Profiler>;OpenSQL Profiler>File>New Trace>connect to the DB server

3. Trace Properties window appears:
Genraltab>Enter Trace Name: xxx>Use Template: TSQL_REPLAY>Savetofile:givefilename
Events Selection Tab>click column filters>Inedit Filterwindow-SelectHosttName-Like: (Hostname of the Machine on which the applications hosted) > click OK > Then Click RUN.

4. Perform the User actions on Machine A. They are recorded in Machine B(DB Server). on which the tracing is enabled.

5. Select each Trace file and convert into T-SQL scripts. How? see belowgoto file( in SQL Profiler)>Export>Extract SQL Server Events>Extract transact SQL Events> save them

6. Then copy the content of the T-SQL file to a precreated Loadruner script in ODBC Protocol.
Example of the skeleton of ODBC Loadrunner Script will be given below.

7. If you execute the script it will not work.

8. To execute the script, setup ODBC connection in the machine on which the script is being executed. HOW? See Below
Go to control Panel> Administrative tools>click DataSource ODBC> Add SELECT: SQL Native client
NAME/Description and server: Enter the Server Name> Enter :UserName/Password.

9. Now the ODBC Script is ready to be executed

10. Convert MSSQL Loadrunner script to ODBC Script other wise it will not run in controller due to the license issue.

Skeleton of ODBC Script:







The content of the Trc file goes here:





Web Resource Graphs in Load runner analysis

Retries per second:
  • No of attempted Server connections
  • A server connection is required-When an initial connection could not be made
  • When an initial connection is shutdown by Server
  • When an initial connection is unauthorized by Server
  • When a proxy authentication is required
  • When server could not resolve load genrator’s IP address
Connections per second:
  • Number of TCP/IP connections opened
  • Number of Connections Shutdown. No of connections is fraction of hits/sec
  • TCP/IP connections are expensive interms of server, router and network resource consumption. So HTTP request should use same connection instead of opening new connection each time of each request.
SSL connections per second:
  • No of SSL connections opened per second
  • After TCP/IP connection SSL connection is opened.
  • SSL connection has heavy resource consumption.
  • If we select simulate new user at each iteration then there should not be more than one SSL connection per sec


1. When I clicked some links on the Web Application, I saw an applet showing ' "JAVA LOADING". This tells us that JAVA WEB START is used to launch an applet

2.JAVA WEB START could have been implemented with a HTTP or JNLP protocols
In this case the developers are using JNLP Protocol.

3.JNLP Protocol(Java Netwrok Launch Protocol)- Using Java Web start the stand alone Java application can be deployed with single click over the network. Java web start ensures the correct version of the Application and JRE are installed on the fly.

But the Loadrunner is not having that environment setup so it cannot record "Applet part of the application.

1. Get Developer fill the RMI/CORBA Qualifier

2.When the application is lanched, I found that the application jar files aresome where in my local machine. I copied them to a temporary folder called , "JARS"

4. Created a batch file to launch Loadrunner with below class paths

********************Batch files Start********

set Classpath = c:\Progra~1\Mercur~1\Merc~1\Classes;


c:\JARS\Mercur~1\file.jar...........all jarfiles;

set path = c:\j2sdk1.4.2_09\bin;





set -java_options = -xrunjdkhook-xbootclasspath/P:C:\progr~1\Merc~1\classes;C:\progr~1\Merc~1\Merc~1\classes\srv;

start VUgen
************Batch File End*********************

Application records Successfully but wont Replay


ToReplay run this Batch file
********************Batch files Start***********

set Classpath = c:\Progra~1\Mercur~1\Merc~1\Classes;
c:\JARS\Mercur~1\file.jar...........all jarfiles;
set path = c:\j2sdk1.4.2_09\bin;
start VUgen
************Batch File End*********************

Now I could able to replay the script successfully
NextI have to enhance the script-
Here when I launched the application it is Web then omesto Java applet.
to run the script using Loadruner-JAVA RMI Protocol, I have to convert the Recorded Web Piece of code in the loadrunner script in to JAVA.
I did the following experiments
1. Handling the Web Part: When applicatis launched through the Web, some tokens are used. I have to correlate those tokens fisrt. To do that I recorded again the application in with Loadrunner Web(HTML /HTTP) Protocol and correlated with classic Web_reg_save_param function.
2. Then converted that code of the web Script in to Java and appended it at the top of the script I recaorded earlier with JAVA RMI Protocol.
3. How did I convert the Web Script to JAVA?..... Record the appliation in Web Protocol. Copied the code in text file. In the command prompt I used SED utility
**************************In the CMD Prompt***************
loadrunner/bin/>sed-f web_to_java.sed c:tmp/web.txt>c:/tmp/java.txt
but error occured. then tried
loadrunner/bin>sed -f lrconvertweb.sed c:/tmp/web.txt >c:tmp/java.txt
again error
Then I made sure Loadrunner\bin is in the systems path environment. Then I opened command line and tried following
sed -f web_to_java.sed c:/tmp/web.txt >c:tmp/java.txt
It worked successfully
I copied the content of the java.txt and appended at the top of the Loadruner script recorded in JAVA RMI Protocol.
Then I paramerized the token numbers and used it to handle the correlation in the JAVa RAMI Script.
Then Make these changes to the Runtime settings because the Internet Protocol section is missing in the JavaRMI Scipt. I tried the following:

1. Close VUGEN--- Goto ,LoadRunner>dat\protocols, There edit the .lrp file

2. Locate the the[VUGEN] Section, for the data for CFG_TAB_DLL=, add a comma and LRW Runtimesettingd UI.dll to it.

3. To put Text checks in JAVA RMI Script( similar to WEB_reg_find in Web Protocol) I wrote some Java code to validate the Transactions

For example: In the Script When user click a button, the server genrated confirmation number is found in JMS.txt inVugen folder. I could not find it in the recorded script. It should be captured to validate the Transaction. I wrote some Java code to validate. Here the application is using"JMS Messaging with call back section.

My experiments before recording:

1. Manually Launched the application

2. Install Correct version of JDK.---but not starting

3.Tried deleting the folders created by previous launch. It started

4.If not, comment out the -java_options in the environment varialbes/classpath. also remove -xrunjdkhook from the Java environment parameters given in java plugin options
It will start successfully. If not the browser crashes

5. I saw cache exception in Java console while launching the application. Then I unchecked enacle caching in JavaPlugin from control pannel

These are the experiments I did with Load Runner RMI Protocol. I hope these experiments will help some one in working with Loadrunner JAVA RMI Protocol.

Converting a String from HTML to URL format in LR

I need to correlate a string in LR script which is in below format

But using web_Reg_save_param() function I could only capture in this format

The issue is the captured string has "+" spaces inbetween. I have to convert the "+" to something like "%2B"
basically from HTML format to URL format.

After correlation. I used web_convert_param() function to convert it to URL. passed it to a parameter and used that parameter to replace the hardcoded string

Please see below picture: